Writing this article is like therapy. It takes a long time, hard work and I should’ve probably done it a lot sooner.
We sat in the kitchen of my friend Muri (that other guy that I wrote the book with), sometime in the corona years. After a few beers and thoughtful conversations about the last party, one of my friend’s roommates started babbling about conspiracy theories. She started talking about particularly outlandish concepts, not the first conversation of this kind btw.
After a thorough explanation of the hollow world theory, I mentioned to Muri that this would be a really good fantasy setting. Just maybe remove all the conspiracy shit attached to it and just take the hollow world.

First idea we had, was to replace the sun in the middle of the hollow world with a firefly. From there the idea that everything is a dream of that firefly, different concepts used and other world details just poured out of us. We were talking about this world for hours.
We settled on the concepts Dreams, Psychology and Light. Perfect base for this unexplicable weirdness the world of DreamHero would soon evolve to.
We mostly wrote DreamHero over a google doc file. Pretty useful tool, when multiple people are writing on the same document. We got some small problems at the end though: when you have over 200 pages filled with art, google docs tend to get long loading times and sometimes crash.
DreamHero was many different things at first. I had some unfinished projects on my hard drive, which kinda fused into this DreamHero world. Like an unreadable painted encyclopedia about a nonexistant world. When I first saw the Codex Seraphinianus (search it, it’s a really weird book) I fell in love and immediately wanted to do something similar. This happened:

DreamHero also was a small rpg setting about a city where everyone is an artist, which became the city Kitschburg in the final book. Also finally DreamHero was a GLOGhack I wrote, probably way sleepdeprived, but this gave the base for the old school mechanics and deadliness.
Combine all ingredients in a golden cauldron, add tons of caffeine, beer, and way too unhealthy food, mix well and cook for over a year and you get:

Now bask in the surreal dadaism that is DreamHero: https://dreamhero.de
Ah yes: We’re probably going to release soonish, most likely on kickstarter and there’s a free playtest version coming in december-january .
Join our Discord Server if you want to, there’s a free chat based DreamHero MMORPG you can play there: https://discord.gg/aB3AtPGTbZ
Planning some contests on the Discord server, so you better be there, or I’m going to be disappointed.